Clarkson School
of Irish Dance

Feis Info - Beginner Dancers
A “Feis” (fesh) is an Irish dance competition, derived from the Gaelic word for "festival" (plural: feiseanna). In St. Louis, we are fortunate to have several feis weekends throughout the year in which our dancers can compete and have fun with their dance friends!
(Click here for our Clarkson Feis & Show Checklists!)
Competition Levels:
First Feis
Beginner 1
Beginner 2 (also called "Advanced Beginner")
Prizewinner (also called "Open Prizewinner")
Preliminary Championship
Open Championship
Competition Regions:
There are 7 competition regions in North America. Clarkson is located in the Mid-America Region, which includes:
Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North & South Dakota, Ohio, western Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) & Wisconsin.​
Feis Registration:
Most Mid-America feiseanna use one of three online registration sites:
How to Enter a Feis:
Before you enter your first feis, email Miss Mary at to find out which dances your dancer should enter.
Visit the online registration site for the feis you're entering and create an account.
Feis Age is based on your dancer's age as of Jan. 1.
First Feis: If this is your very first feis, enter your dancer in the "First Feis" category.
Next Feis: If you are attending a two-day feis and you dance Saturday, Sunday will be your second feis - so for this day, enter the "Beginner 1" category.
Registration Deadline: Like most competitive events, feiseanna have registration deadlines after which late fees will incur. This information is included in the feis listing.
Feis fees are non-refundable once they have been paid, but you can correct or change an entry on-line without a fee until the online registration deadline. (Changes after that will usually incur a fee.)
Feis Info: After you register, check back for updates on stage assignments and other info.
Feis Attire - What to Wear
Full Costume Feis - B eginner Dancers:
school jumper & white blouse
kelly green spankies
white poodle socks
dancing shoes
curled hair & white bow(s)
makeup prohibited for Beginners u12 & younger (Rule #31 - NAFC Dancing Competition Rules)
(Note: Saturday's Clarkson "An Samhra" Feis is a full costume feis. Sunday's OFA Friendship Feis is a Black & White feis.)
Black & White Feis - All Dancers:
A Black & White Feis (also known as a Casual Dress or Blackout feis) requires dancers to dress in plain, simple dance attire - no bling, no wigs, no costumes. Each feis is required to list the specific guidelines for clothing in their Syllabus. However, since interpretations of those guidelines can vary, we have established the following Clarkson "Casual Feis" Dress Code for our dancers:
Bottoms: black or white skirt or skort, modest length (check with Miss Mary if you are unsure about length). No shorts, no leggings.
Top: black or white shirt or blouse, sleeves can be short or long; minimal decoration - no logos, no wording, no school identifiers. No tank tops. Dancers may also wear a leotard with short or long sleeves (again, no sleeveless/tank top styles). Leotards must be full coverage - no scoop necks, no sheer panels, no cut-outs, no lace.
Legs & Feet:
u13 & younger - black tights or white poodle socks, dance shoes
u14 & up - black tights only (no socks), as per CLRG Costume Rules (passed May 2019).
Hair: Can be worn in a ponytail(s), bun, braid or down (straight or curled) with a plain black or white bow(s), headband or clip(s). No wigs.